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Carrier Authentication Issues13/04/2023 11:12

Resolved [13/04/2023 17:51]

All affected circuits have now been restored. Refer to the incident in the control panel for further details from the carrier regarding the cause.

Update [13/04/2023 15:45]

We are seeing circuits restore. We await further details from the carrier before giving the all-clear.

Update [13/04/2023 14:10]

The issue is isolated to TalkTalk and they continue to work on the issue. It is receiving the highest priority attention. Apologies for the disruption this will be causing to some connections.

Identified [13/04/2023 11:12]

We are receiving multiple reports of customers not being able to authenticate correctly against the carrier's network. TalkTalk has acknowledged an issue (INC000100500157). We are seeing a similar issue on BT Wholesale connections, however, they have not committed to a known issue.

Current Status